Welcome to IMMY -
Imogene's Movement, Massage & Yoga

A little dream of a girl who just knows the world is a better place when you move your body, relax your mind and take a few deep breaths!

Let’s Get Our Groove On!

The perfect mix of dancing and meditation!

Savasana Sessions

Take your Savasana to the next level!

Great for small workplaces and friendship groups.

Send me a message to book in today.

Breathe - Nurture - Cultivate - Connect

Join us for an evening of nourishing breathwork, gentle movement and releasing meditation to help you enhance power within.

This session will bring together the knowledge and compassion of both Sarah from Maha Flow and Imogene from IMMY.

Come together with like-minded people to ignite inspiration, find strength and enrich positive change through connection.

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IMMY is not about creating the perfect body or life - it's about creating healthy habits so that you can get the best out of your life! 

My classes are authentic, non-filtered and taught from the heart, leading to genuine connections to those who choose to attend. 

Each of my classes are also individualised for the people in that class, ensuring that everyone gets the most out of their experience.

IMMY welcomes everyone with any level of experience - from the absolute beginner to the regular yogi.  It is so important to me to breakdown the stigma surrounding movement – that it is only for those who know how to do it already – and instead make it accessible to everyone who wants it.

“Yoga offers a level of connection that is rarely found now in society. To encourage and be a witness to someone surrendering and trusting themselves is a precious gift.”

Imogene – Owner of IMMY

I am absolutely no Yoga Guru but I have seen how yoga and movement has shaped people’s lives for the better.

My hope is to use IMMY to share this throughout our community.

Life and yoga don’t always have to be serious. Sometimes the burden of trying to be perfect, having control or constantly striving to do better can cross over from our everyday lives into our yoga practice. A smile or a giggle can help to put everything back into perspective. In turn, I hope that my students can take some of that light-heartedness back into their lives and know that, no matter what, they always are enough.

Movement, Massage & Yoga - all delivered with an intention of kindness and connection.

Hi, I’m Imogene


I’m a JOY addict!

I love to help people find joy in movement, stillness and connection.


With over 11 years and over 2,500 classes of instructing experience, I'm passionate about encouraging people to effectively use their bodies and mindfully tune into their thoughts.  I believe that there is an art to teaching and sharing movement – it requires vulnerability from everyone involved: students and instructor.

I’m a wife to an amazing man, Mick whose support is truly incredible.  I’m also lucky enough to be the perfect mother to 2 perfectly-behaved little children, Matilda and Yosseph – I wish, Jellyfish!! Nah, they are both pretty awesome though! 

IMMY doesn’t just stand for Imogene’s Movement, Massage & Yoga but also Imogene, Michael, Matilda, Yosseph  - makes me smile every time :)

I’m a born and bred Gladstone-ite – I have some serious Gladstone cred! We have moved away, lived overseas but this wonderful city drew us back in and we are happy to call Gladstone home.

My work history is varied, to say the least - a video store (remember those places), a corporate travel agency, a printing shop, 2 different accounting firms as well as being a group fitness and aqua aerobics instructor.

Taking time for yoga; to breathe, stretch, relax and unwind should not be treated as a luxury, it needs to be a priority.
— Imogene - IMMY Owner

All the boring “qualification” stuff

  • Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training – Yoga NRG, Sunshine Coast

  • Vinyasa Flow Teacher Training – Yoga Trinity, Canberra

  • Level 1 Thai Yoga Massage - Thai Yoga Massage By Dani, Sunshine Coast

  • BodyAttack and BodyBalance Instructor Training – Les Mills, Auckland

  • AusActive Silver Level Member

  • Certificate IV in Fitness – Fitlink, Brisbane

  • Speech & Drama Associate – Trinity College, London

  • Diploma of Business, Travel & Tourism – Martin College, Brisbane

  • Current Blue Card, ABN and Insurance holder

Kind words from IMMY students

“I stumbled across virtual IMMY classes when I felt stuck at home with a newborn and needed something to remind me I was me, for me. I continue going because not only do I feel great after, but the community and sense of connection that Imogene creates, even within the virtual classes. If you have been wondering if yoga is for you, it is, however nervous you may be, Imogene will make you feel at home the moment you join her in practice, either in the studio of virtually.”

- Nicole Branch: student for 2 year

“I am a regular participant at IMMY classes. Imogene puts a lot of thought into her classes – which include different poses from week to week. Options are always given so the poses are achievable for a range of abilities and experience. 

There is a lovely sense of community and connection with the other participants – always lots of smiles!

From a physical point of view the classes help maintain strength and flexibility.

I have also learned to appreciate the benefits of Meditation – the peacefulness, reflection, and appreciation for what we have. 

One of my regular classes is Roll out of Bed Yoga and I would like to give a particular ‘Shout Out’ to this class. I love it! Even at 5:30am using ZOOM – the sense of connection is there – as we all start our day in the best possible way.

If you are keen, don’t put it off!  Try a few of the classes and make yoga a regular part of your week.”

- Valerie Short: student for 11 years

“Since starting yoga over 18 months ago it has become an activity I ensure fits into my weekly schedule. Being able to attend sessions in the studio or virtually is a great advantage. 

Imogene's classes have a great sense of community by being very welcoming and non-judgemental especially for those of us who some days balance like we are trying to start a motorbike. All levels are accommodated for.”

- Elna Lauenstein: student for 3 years

“Yoga for me is a calm space to switch off and destress my mind from my busy life, with the bonus of stretching and strengthening my body.

 Imogene creates a  welcoming space that caters for all levels with a touch of fun and laughter thrown in, allowing  everyone to enjoy their yoga practice at the level that suits them. 

I would encourage anyone to try adding yoga into their  life,  enjoy some time to wind down and stretch out.   This is especially for fellow men who often get hung up on the social stigmas of yoga.”

- Wayne Matherson: student for 6 years

“I am so grateful for Immy and her yoga. I spoke with her before I started - yes, yes, I had my own little meeting just to make sure yoga was something that was for me. Imogene gave me the time, space and patience I needed. She never pushed me into anything and is always gently nudging us out of our comfort zone to try new things and be open to the world of yoga and its spiritual practice.”

- Jen Harris: student for 4 years

“I love my Monday night yoga flow with Imogene. I feel instantly relaxed as I walk into her beautiful space. I love how I am encouraged to go within and connect where I’m at and I always feel amazing at the end of the session.”

- Tracey Smith: student for 3 years

“Yoga with Imogene has become key for the health of my body and mind and yes, probably my soul. My body can stretch out and move again after all day in front of a computer. There is no pressure to do anything hard, but just free the mind and realise that I am enough. Love my yoga with Imogene.”

- Marita Hope: Student for 7 years

“Imogene is a very compassionate human being and her classes are a true reflection of that.  Her classes are welcoming and inclusive.  She holds a beautiful, non-judgemental and nurturing space in a very graceful way.  Her approach is down to earth yet very inspirational.  You will feel recharged and uplifted after attending her classes.”

- Carolina Bocos: Student for over 8 years

"We started weekly private yoga lessons with Imogene in 2017. She tailored our lessons to suit our inexperience, age and restricted flexibility. She also provided options to accomodate Jeff’s lower back injury. After a few months, she had progressed us from being inexperienced yogis to becoming confident and competent enough to attend regular yoga classes. Imogene is always mindful of how her students are progressing and careful to adjust poses when needed. Imogene is one of our favourite teachers. Imogene’s enthusiasm and energy encourages her students to give their best. She demonstrates that she can inspire both young and old students.”

- Jeff & Ann Dyer: Students for over 8 years

“Imogene has been in my life since I found yoga and let me tell you, she is one incredible human. Joy, fun, smiles and most importantly - lots of movement. That's what a yoga class with Imogene is all about.”

- Panayiota Athousis: Student for 7 years

“I just attended my first Yoga HIIT class with a bonus Stretch & Breath session and WOW WOW WOW!! I have always loved Imogene as an instructor - she is super helpful and her new space is absolutely beautiful. I finished the class feeling refreshed, energised, stretched but, at the same time, relaxed and with more mental clarity. I will be making more time for this and I highly recommend IMMY to everyone.”

- Whitney -Rae Freyling: Student for 7 years

“I really enjoy Imogene’s yoga flow classes. I truly believe yoga is so beneficial for everyone, no matter what stage of life you are in. As a mother of two little ones with bub #3 on the way, it is such a wonderful opportunity to stop, pause and re-set. Imogene’s classes incorporate meditation and mindfulness techniques, which I find really help me on my parenting journey as well.”

- Annabel Hawkins: Student for 5 years

“Monday night yoga at IMMY is my favourite part of the week, where I have learnt how to calm my mind and the importance of simply breathing. Imogene caters for all levels of ability, in a relaxed environment, making everyone feel welcome and included.”

- Lisa Grey: student for 6 years

"There is so much more than just going to yoga when I attend IMMY’s classes. I originally attended Imogene’s yoga classes because I was new to Gladstone, a bit lost and in need of a friend. Imogene’s classes have provided a sense of belonging for me. Imogene is highly professional and highly personable. When I walk into one of her classes, I feel at home and safe to be myself. I enjoy the different yoga journeys she takes us through. Her knowledge of Yoga and the body is first-class. I love the meditations and the joy that is felt being in her orbit. Immy gives 100% to her yogis; we even get a complimentary face massage at the end of each lesson. Her capacity to give is enormous. I would highly recommend her Zen flow classes if you are in need of some self-love; it’s like a warm hug from the universe"

- Kylie Whyte: student for 3 years

“I was keen to re-engage with yoga, but had fears I wasn’t young enough, fit enough, flexible enough. However Imogene has made me feel very welcome and the classes are just the perfect mix of fun and challenge.

Imogene always provides options that work around people’s abilities or restrictions, and encourages us all with her enthusiasm for yoga and fitness. 

I’ve now enjoyed her Yoga HIIT, Dance HIIT and Yoga Flow classes and can absolute recommend Imogenes classes to anyone - beginner or expert.“

- Kerri Bates: student for 3 years

“I really enjoy Imogene’s Yoga classes. I participate in both Yoga Flow and Yoga HIIT most weeks.  

I love how different these two classes are as well. Yoga Flow enables me to drop into my heart space for a deeper connected practice and Yoga HIIT is fun and energetic. Both are good for the Body, Mind and Soul.  Imogene has a beautiful, grounded energy and her IMMY classes are a welcoming space for everyone, no matter what level of yoga practice you are at.”

- Terri Coker: student for 3 years

“Yoga HIIT?!! It seems a contradiction in terms, but what an exciting find. Once I dared try it, I was hooked!!  It’s the cardio I was looking for, with the familiarity of my beloved yoga (though Imogene does use a lot of poetic license around “yoga”.) Her creativity and enthusiasm is a delight. The class is friendly and welcoming. The exercise is easily adjustable to your personal ability.  What a fantastic hit of laughter, energy and fun!”

- Janet O’Brien: student for 3 years

“Thank you for fun, energetic classes Imogene.

I have learned to enjoy the more challenging poses, even if I wobble or fall.

I have learned to love the way my body responds differently on some days to others, not to become disappointed in what I think I should be able to do and accept what I can do and celebrate along the way.

I have learned to listen to my body, focus on my breathing throughout the day and bring my shoulders away from ears when I remember. I just love your classes!

Thank you for always bringing smiles and laughter to each of your classes.

Bless you!”

- Karen Lee: student for 3 years

“I started yoga a year ago because I’d learnt the practice of meditation when my teenage daughter was going through cancer treatment; but I was finding it more difficult to clear my thoughts and calm my life stresses. So I thought I’d try yoga; as I’d heard that it combined movement and meditation to help people calm. However, I have received more benefits than managing life stresses; such as, I no longer get aching shoulders from sitting at my office desk, I no longer get sore hips from long distance driving, I no longer get foot and calf muscle cramps or shin splint. I live a pain free life.”

- Jennifer McGuire: student for 3 years

“ Your Gentle Flow yoga class is one of the highlights of my week. You have created a warm, friendly but determined atmosphere for your class; it’s my kind of place. I always feel so refreshed and uplifted after the class, in my mind and body. I find your little talks are so interesting and lots of thinking goes on for me afterwards. Thank you.”

-Graham Elliott: Student for 5 years

"Imogene is passionate about yoga and fitness.  She has such a genuine caring nature for the young and old who join her classes.  On many occasions, I have seen Imogene be able to adjust to all circumstances from having just one person turn up to a whole room full of varying ages and capabilities.  Each person received the attention needed both inside and outside of her classes. Imogene is a beautiful person inside and out who I’m very lucky to have as an amazing teacher but also a wonderful friend.”

- Leigh Clarke: Student for over 6 years

“Your class last night was amazing! First decent night sleep I've had in a few weeks. Thinking I may need yoga every night.”

- Leighette Radel: After her first Yoga Flow Class

“If you are looking for a safe, comfortable, fun space to connect with your body and feed your soul, look no further than IMMY. I found Imogene’s yoga classes during a difficult time in my life and the environment she creates is just what I needed. A place to unplug from the pressures of the day, a place to reconnect with my body (which was quite unfit at the time), a place to have a laugh and a chat with kind, friendly people. I love the hour a week I spend doing something good for myself. Her classes are suitable for all ages and abilities; she naturally encourages students to work at their own pace in a truly welcoming space. Thank you IMMY!”

- Jennifer Day-Sully: Student for 7 years

“I knew I was addicted after my first Virtual Yoga Flow Class with IMMY. Imogene literally takes you on this meaningful journey where you feel like your floating above the clouds. I love how I can do a class virtually when I'm travelling on the road. Thank goodness for zoom! I crave the classes and thankful I made the commitment to myself. Although I have not yet physically met Immy as I write this, I feel very connected to the classes and strongly encourage everyone to give it a go. As Brene Brown says "chase your meaning" and I guarantee Immy's yoga will help you find it.”

- Helena Sant: Student for 3 years

Short meditations to help you calm, energise, reset or smile - whatever you might need.

Delivered from the heart with passion, kindness and care.

Feel the joy of connection with IMMY - any place and any time.

Available through https://anchor.fm/immyoga

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